Monday, October 24, 2011

Turtles, Dragons, Tigers and Ravens

Feng Shui is so confusing! I read one book and then the next book I read contradicts the first! This was a common lament in my workshops. The reason that Feng Shui seems contradictory is that until recently, almost all of the information about Feng Shui was handed down orally directly from teacher to student. If we think about the opportunity for variation it is amazing that the information that we have today is so coherent. A good way to look at these different schools of thought is that they are the same story told in a different way or maybe with a different emphasis.

There are three generally recognized schools of thought about Feng Shui. They are the Form School, the Flying Star School and the Black Hat School. The Form School seems to be the oldest and originated in the mountainous regions of China during the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Remember, when I mentioned that in ancient times people noticed that some people prospered while other equally hard working people did not? Visionary thinkers took a look at the formations of the landscapes surrounding the prosperous groups and the surroundings of the desperate groups. They realized that a mountain at their backs protected them from surprise attacks, that if the front of the property was clear, they could see enemies approaching well in advance of the attack, water in the front of the home was more manageable that water at the back that might overflow its banks without being noticed. They were also aware that low ground often led to ill health as did ground that was too high and promoted exposure to strong winds. They found that healthy vegetation and abundant animal life pointed to a better environment for human settlement that arid land. This was a very sensible and reasoned analysis. Master Yang Yun Sang refined these observations using the metaphors of dragons, turtles, tigers and ravens. Today followers of the Form School will speak of keeping a turtle at your back, a raven at your front, and a dragon on your left and a tiger on your right.

More to come on the protective animals.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Not a Matter of Belief

Today, I’d like to reiterate briefly some of what I’ve discussed so far. Feng Shui is an ancient method of energy management that was conceived of as a way to create harmony between humans and their environment. Another goal is to create a personal landscape whose energy is supportive of our energy. In ancient times people noticed that people in particular environments were healthy and successful where others, who may have worked just as hard had poor health and did not enjoy a successful life. Over time methods were developed to discover the problems and implement processes to improve the situation. Today Feng Shui provides methods to analyze not only our personal energy but also the energy in our surroundings. Feng Shui also provides “tools” and “cures” that enable us to mitigate harmful energy and to enhance positive energy. I have been asked many times how it works and if you have to believe in it for it to work. I can only speculate about how it works. I think that by making physical changes in our surroundings, we change the energy pattern that surrounds us and penetrates into our subconscious. And this new energy pattern makes changes in our deep subconscious even mitigating negative programming. As our inner programming is shifted by the new energy pattern in our surroundings we begin to project a new personal energy field. The people around us also respond to this new energy field that we are projecting and the universe will reflect that energy back to us. Feng Shui is not a matter of belief. One might say that physical laws do not require belief to work.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ba'gua: Directions, Colors, Shapes and Symbols

Each of the nine sections of the Ba’gua or energy grid has a particular symbol, color and directional energy. The Knowledge area’s colors are blue-green, turquoise. It is considered the northwest and suitable objects for this area are books, and other objects symbolic to acquiring knowledge. It is also an area for religious artifacts. Anything that would inhibit knowledge, such as alcohol or drugs should not be placed in this area. The Career area is considered to be north. The colors are dark blue or black; the energy is “water” with a downward movement. Glass, mirrors, objects that represent the career you would wish to have. The Helpful People/Travel area is considered the northeast. The colors are shades of gray. Symbols representing mentors or travel items. The Family area is considered the east, with “wood” energy, the colors are shades of green, and the energy is growth. Appropriate symbols are columns, things made of wood or paper and family photos or mementos. The Health area is in the middle of the grid. The energy is “earth” which is stable and firm. The color is brown or yellow. The shape is low or square. Symbols of good health, healthy foods and above all space are best here. The Creativity/Children area is considered west and has “metal” energy. The color is white or metallic. Appropriate items for this area are computers, TVs, artistic or craft items, games, toys, musical instruments. The Wealth area is considered southwest. The colors for this area are purple, or metallic gold/silver. Symbols of abundance belong here such as money, gold coins or other symbols that mean abundance to you. Moving object, lights also activate this area. The Reputation area is considered to be in the south, the energy is “fire” or energy that radiates outward. The shape for this area is triangular; the colors are red, orange, and yellow. Appropriate items for this area are candles, stars, diplomas, awards and things that represent your goals. The Relationship area is considered the southwest; the colors are pink, rose, earthy colors. Symbols of love or relationships, photos of loved ones and friends, things in pairs, business cards, client lists are all appropriate objects for this area. In any of the ba’gua areas avoid dirt, trash, clutter and broken items. Also avoid using the colors and symbols of one area of the ba’gua in another area.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Beginning to Use the Ba'gua

The ba’gua is a tool provided by the “Black Hat” school of Feng Shui and is a grid that is divided into nine overlapping energy areas. These energy areas are named for areas of our lives. The first row from left to right is divided as follows: Knowledge, Career, and Helpful People/Travel.  The second row from left to right is Family, Health and Creativity and the third row form left to right is divided into Wealth, Reputation and Relationships. The ba’gua grid can be thought of as a way to map energy for the different areas of your life by superimposing it over your property, home, individual rooms or your desk. In lining up the ba’gua the career area is always placed on the wall where your primary door is located when entering your home or room. When applying to your desk, place the career area directly in front of your chair. Remember, that the ba’gua can be elongated to a rectangle or made into a square to accommodate the shape of your property, home, room or desk.

Once you have placed the ba’gua over your home, for instance, you can look to see what is happening in each area. Suppose you notice that you have a bathroom with a leaky faucet in the wealth area, a dead or dying plant in the relationship area, and a lot of clutter in the career area. You have been loosing money, your relationship has been rocky and your career is stuck. Feng Shui has a “cure” for all of these. Bathrooms are problematic in any area of the ba’gua but particularly in the wealth area. The reason is all of the water energy going down the drain. There are many ways to mitigate the situation through color, architectural design and accessories. But in this case fixing the leaky faucet would be most important. Removing the dying plant and replacing it with a vibrant, growing plant would improve your relation ships. Removing the clutter from the entrance way in the Career area will make room for new opportunities. Remember that we are thinking about energy using metaphors and there are always many, many ways to achieve the results that you desire. Each "cure" is fabricated to your specific situation and goal. So once you understand how this works you can personalize your energy adjustments to work for you.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Energetic Home

Our homes are a mass of overlapping, vibrant energy fields.  Whether we are aware of them or not, whether consciously or subconsciously these energetic vibrations have a significant effect on us, change our energy and therefore change us. Feng Shui enables us to be aware of these energy vibrations that are all around us and provides a method for identifying and balancing the different types of energies.

Our homes absorb the energy of the period in which they were built or when they underwent extensive remodeling that would open up and re-enclose the space. Energy is also added through color, furnishings, plants, art, pets, and emotions of the people living there. We can use all of these things to reorganize the energy and to fill our homes with energy that will be positive for our families and us. One tool that Feng Shui provides for mapping this energy is the ba’gua.  The ba’gua could be compared to an overlay or a transparency that fits over your property, home, individual rooms, or even your desktop. The ba’gua will enable your to pinpoint problem areas both in your home and your life. Once the energy is identified it can be manipulated to our benefit.

Thanks for stopping by.  More on using the ba'gua in further posts.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Know Thyself

In order to manipulate the energy around us to support our goals, first we need to know ourselves. There are many charts that will help you to analyze your birth energy. As mentioned before you need to find your birth element and animal energy for the year, month, day, hour and location of your birth. Once you have discovered your dominant energy, you must factor in whether that energy is active or passive. If you understand your basic or core energy you will find it much easier to surround yourself with energy that will support you. This applies to your furniture, clothing, jewelry, colors, and yes, even relationships. There are particular shapes and colors and personality characteristics that support the person that you are and the person you hope to be. For example, if you find that your dominant element is “earth” you will tend to be cautious, methodical and logical. If you surround yourself with “earth” colors and “earth” shapes you are tipping the balance too far toward "earth" energy and you may become lethargic, and resistant to change. If, however, you add a little “fire” element, you will become more flexible without becoming reckless or headstrong. If you are predominantly “fire” energy adding some “earth” elements to your surroundings will lend stability and calm. Knowing ourselves is the key to maximizing our potential. Feng Shui provides one way to gain this important insight.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Complex, Whirling Mass of Conflicting Energy

Here we are then, a complex whirling mass of fire, water, earth, wood and metal energy combined with monkey, ox, tiger, rat, pig, dragon, snake, dog, horse, sheep, rabbit and rooster. Besides all of that each of these energy types can be either positive or negative or yin and yang. To clarify, designating positive, yang and negative, yin does not translate to good and bad, as we of the West tend to assume. This merely means opposites and we need both. Without dark there would be no light, with out cold there would be not hot, without females, there would be no males. As mentioned before these opposites keep the universe in motion. What can all of these ancient metaphors mean to us today? Feng Shui reinforces the idea that we are all born with complex personalities of conflicting energies that influence our world -view and behavior in this world. Are we then at the mercy of these various energies determined by time and place? Not at all, understanding the tendencies with which we are born helps us to modify our weaknesses, support our strengths and helps us to understand how to be successful in the society and circumstances into which we are born. Understanding the complex influences impacting us all we can also be more tolerant of others, realize that our circumstances are constantly in transition and also realize that we have the power to influence these changes to support our goals.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

More on Birth Energy

The Five Elements, Wood, Water, Earth, Metal and Fire, mentioned before, are also a factor in birth energy. Just as with the animals each birth energy chart will have a combination of elements that influence each other and a dominant “element.” The year date, the month, the day, the hour and the location will have both an animal and an “element.”  Understanding how all of these various energies interact can help us understand others and ourselves. It helps us to understand our strengths and weaknesses and what we can do to live in balance in our own lives and with others.

 But, that isn’t the final word on birth energy.  We also have to consider positive and negative energy or yin and yang. All energy or chi is in constant motions, seeking balance. Yin represents passive energy and yang represents active energy.  Everything contains more or less of both yin and yang because everything is always in a state of transition. This is really the foundation of the Universe. Modern physicists tell us that there is a strong force, which binds quarks together in protons, neutrons, and other hadrons and also holds neutrons together in a nucleus and there is a weak force that is observed in radioactive decay. Gravity is a weak force and electromagnetism is a strong force. The push and pull or expansion and contraction of these forces cause the whole universe to vibrate. Or we could say cause the dance of the Universe. In Feng Shui,  yang is heaven energy and yin is earth energy. To put it into human terms yin and yang describes the cycle of challenge and response. Understanding how yin and yang influence each other and how they are expressed in humans and the environment allows us to use the principle of yin and yang to create harmony and balance in our lives and in the Universe.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wind and Water

Feng Shui translates to Wind and Water, a metaphor for energy both unseen and seen. Or, one could also say, material and immaterial. We are Feng Shui. Our body is represented by water and the wind is our life force energy or chi. Chi is both in us and surrounds us.  We shape chi and are shaped by chi. Time and place are also influenced by chi so, a particular time and place have a unique energy that influences everything in that time and place. That particular pattern of energy is imprinted upon us at birth and that energy pattern influences the way we feel in the universe around us.

As you may expect by now, Feng Shui assigns metaphors to describe birth energies. There are twelve animal metaphors: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Each animal has particular attributes both positive and negative that influence our relationships, our compatibility and our emotions. We do have to bear in mind that there are cultural differences in the way we view these animals. For instance some of us might see the rat as a disgusting carrier of disease, but in Feng Shui the rat is viewed as highly social, practical and hardworking with an appreciation of art! Although one animal is usually dominant, we all have a combination of several animals in our birth energy and they influence each other in particular ways to make up our complex personalities. As the Chinese say, “These are the animals that live in our hearts.”

More on birth energies in the next post.  Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Three Secrets

Feng Shui offers a method to make changes through our intentions. This was secret knowledge for thousands of years and is called the "Three Secerets." Now this knowledge is available to all of us.Some find the principle of the “Three Secrets” esoteric or confusing. However, it is just a technique to clarify and focus intention. And to overcome skepticism and negative thoughts that can weaken your energy. The “Three Secrets” build your energy and focus it on a specific issue. Although Feng Shui gives us a specific ritual to perform, sometimes we get so caught up in performing an unfamiliar ritual perfectly that our focus is diverted from what we hope to accomplish. In my practice, my clients and I have had very good results using the basic principle of the "Three Secrets” but using it in terms of our own cultural heritage. The “Three Secrets” basic components are 1st, mind, 2nd, body, and 3rd, speech or visualization, touching and words. “The “Three Secrets” are generally used in conjunction with placing enhancements or adjustments but they also can be used alone.  Just write down your intention on a piece of paper and then proceed with the applying the “Three Secrets.”

A calm and peaceful frame of mind is very important. Take some deep breaths and clear your mind. Then focus your mind on your intention. Try to “see” as clear a picture of what you hope to accomplish as possible. This is not always easy for everyone to do. If you cannot visualize clearly, don’t worry about it. Just do the best you can. The second step is to connect the vision to the material world by using touch. The purpose here is to clear away the old energy where the new intentions or thoughts are being formed. In Feng Shui this is called the Mudra and has a specific form. But it is just as effective to use a hand motion that means clearing away to you. The next step is to say an affirmation out loud. In Feng Shui a common affirmation is Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum or the “six true words” sometimes called the Mantra of Compassion. The purpose of the affirmation is to connect creative power to the conscious visualization process.  If the “six true words” do not have meaning to you, pick an affirmation that does. Using the “Three Secrets” technique imprints our intention on ourselves and on the universe.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Do We Change the World?

The age-old question is, “Can human beings fit seamlessly into the world?” Or does our very presence tip the scales to imbalance. In Feng Shui the answer is yes.  Humans cause an imbalance in the world and the goal of Feng Shui is for us to fit ourselves into the world in the least disruptive way possible. The belief is that this will not only benefit the world but we, humans will be happier and have a better life as well. Feng Shui philosophy does not promote the idea that our presence is all bad.  If humans were not here the energy of the universe would be static. We are constantly changing things by tipping the balance.  Quantum physics teaches us that we cannot observe the universe without changing it.  For instance if we want to observe electrons, they change. So we have to realize that since we are also made up of electrons, observations of ourselves can change us. So, as many have said, “the world is what we make it.” But what about the “real” world?” you ask.  “Doesn’t that exist in spite of us?” Consider the Bohr Principle of Complementarity: There is no reality until that reality is perceived.  According to this theory reality depends upon what we choose to observe and what we choose to observe depends upon our thoughts. In Feng Shui our thoughts are our intentions.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Perfect World

Can we agree that the natural world is perfect just the way it is?  I will say that it pleases my senses that the sky is blue and the grass is green.  I would not want it any other way.  The flowers and the other creatures that share our world are just perfect for my aesthetic sense.  I could not improve upon the design. I look at a cat, for instance, and cannot conceive of a more beautiful creature.  The fact that the particular mixture of O2 is just what we need to support our lives could be seen as miracle or we could look at it this way. If the O2 was not exactly what we need to breathe then we would not be here in this form, if at all.  Does the World create us or do we create the World?

The Fabonacci Sequence, which is a number sequence that occurs in nature and in art, can be observed in pine cones, in seashells, in sunflowers and beehives.  Here we are in a perfect natural world that provides all we need to survive. Our bodies also fall within the Fabonacci Sequence so it is not surprising that we feel comfortable with and easily identify with this pattern.  If we had a different arrangement of perception abilities our same familiar world might look like a very different place.  This is where the concept of Feng Shui comes into play. The world is perfect until human intention upsets the balance.

More later.  Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Drawing From Ancient Wisdom

It is humbling for a provincial person like me to realize that my words are being read half a world away.  Was it Socrates who did not want his words written down, fearing that they would be misunderstood?  If we were communicating face to face, I could tell you if you were enraged at my words and I would apologize.  Or if you were bored, I would change the subject, but if you were interested I could go into more depth.  Alas, we must make do with a virtual relationship of sorts and I must rely on your forbearance and you must rely on my good intentions.

I probably should explain why I, without extensive Chinese cultural knowledge or background think that I can talk about Feng Shui, which, as I’ve explained originated in ancient China.  I remember that I had two women of Chinese cultural heritage in one of my Feng Shui classes. I told them that I felt quite intimidated and somewhat arrogant presuming to  teach them about their own heritage.  They laughed and said, “We haven’t the foggiest idea about Feng Shui, so don’t worry! We are here to learn!”

When I first heard the words feng shui, I couldn’t even remember how to say them.  But, I kept hearing reference after reference to Feng Shui and I became curious.  It happened that I had the opportunity to attend an in-depth seminar training for Feng Shui consultants. I don’t know how to explain this, but I immediately “got it.” Really, it was as if I’d always known this. My  philosophy for my clients is that we are not trying to duplicate Chinese philosophy or culture but draw from its wisdom and relate it to our lives today.

Don't forget to check back for more posts.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Expressing Energy

Feng Shui is an ancient system that attempts to fit human beings into their environment with the least impact on the rest of the ecosystem. Anthropology studies hint that this goal was part if not most, if all, early human cultures. But these cultures had oral traditions and the Chinese wrote it down and they did that about 4,000 years ago.

The ancient Chinese observed that there were five types of energy, up, down, inward, outward and deep.  They named these energy types for natural elements in their environment, Wood, Earth, Metal, Fire and Water. Lest we moderns look at this and think, “primitive, superstitious or naive, consider a modern metaphor. Haven’t you ever heard, “there are 250 horses under this hood, baby?”  And have you ever been tempted to take a peek?  Anyway, using understandable metaphors for these differing energy types gives us an easy tool to best visualize and use energy.

Understanding these five elements and the relationships between them allows us to understand the interactions of human energy and the energy of the Universe. We can use our understanding of these five elements to manipulate the flow of energy in our spaces. Depending upon what issues we are addressing we can enhance or mitigate one or more of these elements.  For instance Wood energy symbolizes growth it is associated with the color green, columns and the direction, east. If we wanted to encourage growth we would add the color green in the east to stimulate growth energy. If we wanted to slow growth we would add the element that weakens wood, which is fire.  Fire is symbolized by the color red, triangles and the direction, south. Colors and  shapes have powerful symbolic meanings that affect our emotions and energy levels. Through conscious  intention  we can create spaces that support our life goals.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Time is Relative

I had second thoughts about my last post and realized that it sounded quite elitist. I am well aware that not everyone has total control over her or his time. Having said that, being aware of our own energy ebbs and flows can help us to pace ourselves throughout the day even if we must work a schedule set by someone else.

Have you noticed that as we go through life there are periods that seem to require too much energy, due to career demands or raising a family? Times when we don’t have enough time in the day? Then there are times, either due to illness, family problems, or unemployment that we seem to have too much time. Our feelings about time are relative and depend on whether our personal energy is yin or yang. There are things throughout life that influence our time and energy that we cannot control. But Feng Shui provides remedies that can mitigate the stress on us both physically and emotionally.

For a person with yin energy, it might be tempting to surround oneself with calm, using pale colors, plush carpets and low lighting. But this will lead to the feelings of being sedentary, tired, stuck or even depressed.  This is when you feel like crawling into a hole. 

For a person with a lot of yang energy the temptation is to surround oneself with hard shiny surfaces, lots of metal, loud music, and bright colors.  This will lead to rash, frantic, hyperactive behavior. People describe this as being “beside themselves.” Yang energy needs spaces of quiet yin energy to calm them down while yin energy needs at least spaces with yang energy to give them a new lease on life. Deliberately arranging your surroundings with supportive energy is healing for both extremes. There are always factors that we cannot change that determine how we spend our time but with intention and Feng Shui remedies we can focus on balance and healing.

Check back for further posts and please add your comments and questions.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Early Birds and Night Owls

Are you an early bird or a night owl?  Do you like to pack your days full of activities or do you like down time to just be? Honoring you own energy while still doing what you need to do in the world can benefit from approaching your schedule with intention. How we function in time is similar to how we function in space. In space we manipulate physical items that exist in our surroundings to make changes in unseen energy flow.  If you think of time as space it helps to make time easier to work with. For instance, every 24 hours we have a certain spaces in our allotted time. How we furnish or fill those spaces depends a good deal on personal energy.  If your energy is more yin, you need your down time but be careful not to be too sedentary.  If your energy is mostly yang, be careful you do not over schedule and burn yourself out.

Feng Shui can help us create balance in scheduling our time. Evaluating our personal energy in Feng Shui terms is a method that allows us to visualize both our energy levels and the demands on our time. The end result is that we will be able to operate at our maxim energy and efficiency. Both Yin and Yang energy are valuable and useful in the world.  Each type of energy, if understood can be employed to benefit yourself and the wider world. If you have yin energy make sure that you allow enough down time but pay attention to your peak energy times and schedule things that might drain you.  If you have yang energy, you tend to be energized by keeping busy and active but you need to schedule quiet time to recharge on a regular basis and not wait until you are so exhausted that you cannot keep up. Analyzing how you are allotting your time and intentionally relating the needs of your personal energy and your schedule will result in the best use of time and energy.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Time Marches On

So far I have been talking about space. But the other major factor in our lives and in Feng Shui is time. We have just finished with a twenty year time cycle in 2004. The energy of that cycle was metal and all we have to do is look at the violence, greed and the focus on wealth accumulation to see the imbalance of that time.  The present cycle's predominant energy is earth and youth. Young people all over the world are now being seen to exert their influence. With the element of earth helping to ground them hopefully they can avoid violence while maintaining their passion for change.

The seasonal time changes also influence the energy in our daily lives. We are now moving from summer, a period of yang or high energy to a more yin or low energy time. And as the energy changes around us it is prudent to re-energize and refresh the energies in our homes and work spaces. As we move away from the fire element that rules the summer season, we can retain some of that light and heat by adding bright colors, reds and yellows, use higher watt lighting, add warm quilts and clear clutter to keep the energy flowing to mitigate this shift to a more stagnant energy. To make the best use of your time and energy up-date your Feng Shui.When we intentionally align ourselves with the natural cycles of time we create more harmony and balance in our lives.

Be sure to check back for more posts.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Homes Are Us

We are so intimately connected to our homes that in dream symbolism the different parts of a house stand for parts of the human body. We physically and psychically connect with our living spaces to such an extent that not only do our homes reflect who we are to the world but they also shape who we are.  When you were looking for a new home, have you ever just walked in and felt at home or have you walked into a space and immediately felt that you could never live there?  Most of us felt an immediate connection to our homes and as time went on we created more and more connections. This is why when we have to leave our homes, even if it is our choice, we feel such a loss. Sometimes this feeling of loss prevents the sale of the home.We are in a period where millions of people have lost their homes. Their psychic bonds with their homes have been ripped apart. This is a personal loss but magnified as it has been in this time, the repercussions of all of this negative energy have radiated out to blanket our National psyche.

If you want to sell your home or if you are forced to leave it is important to withdraw your energy from the space. Look around and determine what objects you have placed in your home to make it "yours." These could be family heirlooms, art, pictures or your books.  Whatever it is that expresses your or your family's unique energy. Pack these things away and, in your mind, send them on to the future. Gradually depersonalize your space until anyone could live there. Be grateful for the time that you have lived there, the shelter that your home provided, remember the good times and the bad, all of the things that made up your life. Now you can choose what you will carry forward into the future and what you will leave behind. Enhancing the Wealth and Prosperity areas of your space will help you if you are selling and be positive for your future if you are forced to leave. Placing a wind chime a water fountain, a light, coins or other representations of wealth and prosperity will activate the Wealth and Prosperity energy and help you to move on in your life.

Be sure and check back for more posts.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Helpful People

Just when I am about to descend into the "Slough of Despond," from hearing the media reports that our Country's new philosophy is "everyone for themselves," something happens to restore my faith in the essential goodness of humanity and the balance of the Universe.  I was out on a step-stool this morning pruning a tree that was beginning to overhang the street when a neighbor that I'd never met rode by on his bike.  He stopped and offered to bring over his electric chain saw and prune the tree for me.  I gratefully accepted and when the yard was filled with branches he offered to get his pick up truck, help load up the branches and drive me to the dump, which he did. I must admit that I find it very difficult to accept help from family let alone a stranger.  It is easier for me to give than to receive.However, that does not promote balance. Giving without ever receiving depletes energy until there is nothing left to give.  Besides one of the best gifts that you can give someone is to allow them to offer their talents and goods for the betterment of another.  Accepting help graciously is necessary to balance the energy of the Universe.

If you want to bring helpful people into your life, Feng Shui offers methods to activate the Helpful People Energy in your space.  The location of Helpful People Energy is in the near right area of your space. To activate this area place a table for setting down mail, keys or packages, any hospitable furniture such as a coat rack, a place to sit down, or a coat closet is also suitable for this area.  Art work could be of spiritual guides, angels, or affirmations.  Pictures of mentors, teachers or in your office clients or customers.  Telephones, address books . round bowls, metal objects or tokens of gratitude received from those you have helped. Once you have activated the Helpful People Area expect helpful people to enter your life.  The help of others multiplies the good we can do and we must be prepared to be helpful and compassionate to others.Giving and receiving help balances the energies of the Universe.

 Be sure and check back tomorrow for more posts.