The ba’gua is a tool provided by the “Black Hat” school of Feng Shui and is a grid that is divided into nine overlapping energy areas. These energy areas are named for areas of our lives. The first row from left to right is divided as follows: Knowledge, Career, and Helpful People/Travel. The second row from left to right is Family, Health and Creativity and the third row form left to right is divided into Wealth, Reputation and Relationships. The ba’gua grid can be thought of as a way to map energy for the different areas of your life by superimposing it over your property, home, individual rooms or your desk. In lining up the ba’gua the career area is always placed on the wall where your primary door is located when entering your home or room. When applying to your desk, place the career area directly in front of your chair. Remember, that the ba’gua can be elongated to a rectangle or made into a square to accommodate the shape of your property, home, room or desk.
Once you have placed the ba’gua over your home, for instance, you can look to see what is happening in each area. Suppose you notice that you have a bathroom with a leaky faucet in the wealth area, a dead or dying plant in the relationship area, and a lot of clutter in the career area. You have been loosing money, your relationship has been rocky and your career is stuck. Feng Shui has a “cure” for all of these. Bathrooms are problematic in any area of the ba’gua but particularly in the wealth area. The reason is all of the water energy going down the drain. There are many ways to mitigate the situation through color, architectural design and accessories. But in this case fixing the leaky faucet would be most important. Removing the dying plant and replacing it with a vibrant, growing plant would improve your relation ships. Removing the clutter from the entrance way in the Career area will make room for new opportunities. Remember that we are thinking about energy using metaphors and there are always many, many ways to achieve the results that you desire. Each "cure" is fabricated to your specific situation and goal. So once you understand how this works you can personalize your energy adjustments to work for you.
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