Feng Shui translates to Wind and Water, a metaphor for energy both unseen and seen. Or, one could also say, material and immaterial. We are Feng Shui. Our body is represented by water and the wind is our life force energy or chi. Chi is both in us and surrounds us. We shape chi and are shaped by chi. Time and place are also influenced by chi so, a particular time and place have a unique energy that influences everything in that time and place. That particular pattern of energy is imprinted upon us at birth and that energy pattern influences the way we feel in the universe around us.
As you may expect by now, Feng Shui assigns metaphors to describe birth energies. There are twelve animal metaphors: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Each animal has particular attributes both positive and negative that influence our relationships, our compatibility and our emotions. We do have to bear in mind that there are cultural differences in the way we view these animals. For instance some of us might see the rat as a disgusting carrier of disease, but in Feng Shui the rat is viewed as highly social, practical and hardworking with an appreciation of art! Although one animal is usually dominant, we all have a combination of several animals in our birth energy and they influence each other in particular ways to make up our complex personalities. As the Chinese say, “These are the animals that live in our hearts.”
More on birth energies in the next post. Thanks for stopping by.
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