Sunday, October 16, 2011

Complex, Whirling Mass of Conflicting Energy

Here we are then, a complex whirling mass of fire, water, earth, wood and metal energy combined with monkey, ox, tiger, rat, pig, dragon, snake, dog, horse, sheep, rabbit and rooster. Besides all of that each of these energy types can be either positive or negative or yin and yang. To clarify, designating positive, yang and negative, yin does not translate to good and bad, as we of the West tend to assume. This merely means opposites and we need both. Without dark there would be no light, with out cold there would be not hot, without females, there would be no males. As mentioned before these opposites keep the universe in motion. What can all of these ancient metaphors mean to us today? Feng Shui reinforces the idea that we are all born with complex personalities of conflicting energies that influence our world -view and behavior in this world. Are we then at the mercy of these various energies determined by time and place? Not at all, understanding the tendencies with which we are born helps us to modify our weaknesses, support our strengths and helps us to understand how to be successful in the society and circumstances into which we are born. Understanding the complex influences impacting us all we can also be more tolerant of others, realize that our circumstances are constantly in transition and also realize that we have the power to influence these changes to support our goals.

Thanks for stopping by.

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